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Animal Welfare Act Penalties

Republic Act 10631: Amendments to the Animal Welfare Act of 1998

Protecting Animal Rights and Responsibilities

Important Changes for Pet Owners

The Animal Welfare Act of 1998 (Republic Act 8485) has undergone significant amendments through Republic Act 10631, which was signed into law in 2013. These amendments aim to enhance the protection and welfare of animals in the Philippines.

Increased Penalties for Animal Abuse

One of the most notable changes is the increased penalties for animal abuse. The original act imposed a fine of up to Php 20,000 and/or imprisonment of up to six months for first-time offenders. However, the amended act now imposes the following penalties:

  • Imprisonment of one year and six months and one day to two years and/or a fine not exceeding Php 100,000 for first-time offenders
  • Imprisonment of two years and one day to three years and/or a fine not exceeding Php 250,000 for subsequent offenders

Pet Owners' Responsibilities

The amended act also emphasizes the responsibilities of pet owners. Pet owners are now required to:

  • Provide adequate food, water, shelter, and veterinary care
  • Keep their pets under reasonable control
  • Vaccinate their pets as required by law
  • Dispose of animal waste properly


The amendments to the Animal Welfare Act of 1998 represent a significant step forward in protecting animal rights and ensuring the well-being of pets in the Philippines. The increased penalties for animal abuse and the emphasis on pet owners' responsibilities serve as a reminder of the importance of treating all animals with respect and compassion.
