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Animal Welfare Act Malaysia 2019

Animal Welfare Act 2015

Short Title and Application

The Animal Welfare Act 2015 (the Act) establishes the Animal Welfare Board, which is responsible for monitoring and enforcing the Act's provisions.

Key Provisions

The Act sets clear and comprehensive standards for the care and use of animals in scientific research and testing. These provisions include:

  • Minimum standards for housing, feeding, and care
  • Requirements for veterinary supervision and emergency veterinary care
  • Restrictions on painful or invasive procedures
  • Obligations to provide environmental enrichment and socialization opportunities

The Act also establishes a complaints process and penalties for violations.

Purpose and Scope

The Animal Welfare Act 2015 is intended to ensure the humane treatment of animals used in scientific research and testing. It applies to all animals used in these activities, regardless of their species or the purpose of their use.
