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Euro Area Labor Cost Index

Euro Area Labor Cost Update

Euro Area Labor Cost Index

The latest Euro Area Labor Cost Index shows that the average hourly labor cost in the EU in 2022 was 305 euros, with the highest average recorded in Denmark and the lowest in Bulgaria.

WEB Unit Labor Cost

The WEB Unit Labor Cost, measured in euros per hour worked, also shows significant variations across EU countries. As of January 2023, the highest unit labor cost was reported in Denmark, while the lowest was reported in Romania.

Wage and Salary Growth

The Eurostat Quarterly Wages and Salaries report indicates that wages and salaries in the Eurozone have increased steadily in recent years. In 2022, the average annual wage in the Eurozone was around 28,000 euros.


The data presented in this article provides valuable insights into labor cost trends in the Eurozone and highlights the disparities in labor costs across EU countries. These variations reflect differences in productivity, economic development, and labor market regulations, and can have significant implications for businesses and policymakers alike.
