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Labour Relations Act

Labour Relations Act


The Labour Relations Act (LRA) is an Act of Parliament in South Africa that promotes sound labour relations through the protection and promotion of freedom of association and the encouragement of effective collective bargaining. The Act also regulates the organisational rights of workers and employers and establishes the Labour Court and Labour Appeal Court as superior courts with exclusive jurisdiction to decide matters arising from the Act.

Key Provisions

The LRA contains a number of key provisions, including:

  • The right of workers to form and join trade unions
  • The right of employers to form and join employers' organisations
  • The right of trade unions and employers' organisations to negotiate collective agreements
  • The right of workers to strike
  • The right of employers to lockout
  • The establishment of the Labour Court and Labour Appeal Court


The LRA is a significant piece of legislation that has played a major role in shaping labour relations in South Africa. The Act has helped to promote sound labour relations and has contributed to the development of a more just and equitable society.

Recent Developments

The LRA has been amended several times since its initial enactment in 1995. The most recent amendments were made in 2015 and included changes to the provisions on罷工and lockouts.


The LRA is a complex and important piece of legislation. It is essential for anyone involved in labour relations in South Africa to have a good understanding of the Act.
