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Labour Song Lyrics



WEB Labour: An Exploration of Oppression and Empowerment

Subheading: Diving into the Lyrical Depths of Paris Paloma's "Labour"

Unveiling the Layers of Exploitation:

Paris Paloma's latest single, "Labour," paints a vivid tapestry of oppression and empowerment, delving into the complexities of societal expectations and the resilience that lies within. The song's poignant lyrics dissect the societal constructs that often trap individuals in cycles of servitude, exploring themes of identity, agency, and the relentless pursuit of fulfillment.

The Weight of Expectation:

"One two three / Why are you hangin' on / So tight / To the rope that I'm hangin' from / Off this island" – these lines echo the weight of societal expectations that can suffocate individuality. The singer questions the constant pressure to conform, the invisible chains that bind us to predefined roles and norms.

A Woman's Journey:

The song takes on an autobiographical tone, narrating a journey of a woman navigating the myriad roles imposed upon her: "therapist / mother / maid / nymph / virgin / nurse / servant." Each role represents a facet of the female experience, often defined by societal expectations rather than personal aspirations.

Reclaiming Agency:

"Just an." – this simple phrase serves as a powerful declaration of defiance, a rejection of the limiting labels that society bestows. The singer asserts her own agency, reclaiming her identity and refusing to be defined solely by the roles she has been assigned.

Seeking Empowerment:

Throughout the song, the desire for liberation and empowerment is palpable. The question "Why are you hangin' on?" becomes a call for action, an exhortation to break free from oppressive structures and embrace authenticity. The lyrics serve as a reminder that empowerment lies within the individual's capacity to define their own path.


Paris Paloma's "Labour" is not merely a song but a testament to the human spirit's resilience in the face of oppression. The lyrics resonate with anyone who has ever felt trapped by societal expectations or yearned for a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It invites listeners to question the roles they play, to reclaim their agency, and to forge their own paths toward empowerment.
